Learn to Turn Road Blocks into Stepping Stones

Transform Your Challenges into Personal & Soul Growth


Welcome to the Soul Series Books!

From a moving personal memoir of tragic events and extraordinary experiences that inspired Cindy’s spiritual journey, to a step-by-step guide of how to Soulercise yourself and uncover your own Soul Mission these books help you find answers to:


Who Am I?

A multi-dimensional being with six senses who’s both a Personality & an eternal Soul temporarily inhabiting a physical body.


Why Am I Here?

To experience challenging situations on Earth & use them as opportunities to evolve & become a healing presence in the world.


What’s My Purpose?

To identify the emotions I came here to master, practice living their enlightened state, & master the contents of my Soul plan.

An Award-Winning Spiritual and Motivational Series

Both Books were Amazon best-sellers
within a week of publication!

5 Star Readers Favorite Choice Award 2024!

1st Place Gold Medal Winner for 2024
Bookfest Awards!

Gold Medal Winner for 2024
International Impact Awards!

Get the Soul Series

Soul Seeker

Start your journey with Soul Seeker a deeply personal memoir that explores the truth that what we call death is not the end of life, and that we can and do communicate with those who have passed on. Soul Seeker also presents insights into age-old questions like: “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” And “What is my higher purpose?” Take a closer look today and enjoy!

Now Available on Audio Books for FREE!


“Reynolds's memoir is more descriptive than most I've read, so I could see the people in Reynolds's life with clarity. After losing my mother, Reynolds's words were a comfort to me. Readers who are looking for people who share their desire to learn more about their existence and understand their souls on a deeper level will benefit from reading Soul Seeker: A Journey to Discover.”

- Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers’ Favorite

Soul Bridges

Continue with Soul Bridges featuring 7 powerful steps to evolve into higher states of enlightenment while facing adversity and fulfilling your higher purpose for being on Earth. It’s a unique Soul fitness program that will help you meet life’s challenges, even the most difficult, with mastery, wisdom, and strength.


“The best part about the material in Soul Bridges is that you can use it immediately to make conscious choices for self-love and consideration for others. Soul Bridges is a good selection for readers who hope to live a more fulfilling life.

- Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers’ Favorite

“Soulercise is a powerful process that I have benefited from in so many ways. Most significantly, after using this advanced tool, I am finally free from painful emotions that were stuck deep within me. I can now clear them up on my own. I also witness amazing results in the author herself! Cindy Reynolds navigates her daughter’s challenging health emergencies with amazing grace and ease.”

— Laura M.

Free Download of
7 Signs you are a Soul Seeker!


Mediums, psychics, and now even ordinary folks like you and me are experiencing and writing books about after-death communication! The belief that intelligence continues beyond death of the physical body is becoming more and more common in today’s world.

The enlightened idea that there is no separation between you and your loved ones post-mortem means – there is no death!

MORE IMPORTANTLY, this also means that same eternal intelligence – your Soul – that survives death of the physical body is within you now! So…. are you seeking or ready to seek the guidance of your Soul and accomplish the goals you set for this lifetime?